Exploring the transformative power of our menstrual cycles.

This natural rhythm not only influences our moods but also profoundly affects our relationships with others, our interactions with the world, and our connection to ourselves and our lineage.

Through my work, I explore the significance of embracing the discomfort that accompanies our cycles. I recognize that for many, this monthly experience brings excruciating and sometimes debilitating pain. Yet, within this discomfort lies a powerful message from our bodies.

Our menstrual cycles are a form of communication, revealing insights about our physical and emotional well-being. They hold the potential to cleanse and release the burdens we've carried throughout our lives, and even those inherited from previous generations. In understanding and accepting this process, we unlock a deeper connection to our own bodies and the wisdom they hold.

BEING WITH BLOOD aims to honor this sacred aspect of womanhood, celebrating the strength and resilience found within these cycles.

Featured on: Tenderness

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